Saturday, April 2, 2011

Fw: Your April Issue of Health Confidential

Your April Issue of Health Confidential
-------Original Message------- 
Date: 04/01/11 21:16:21
Subject: Your April Issue of Health Confidential

April 2011, Issue No. 61

In This Issue:

  • One-Two Power Punch

  • Careful: Fake Protein Can Make You Weak

  • A New Look at What Men Really Need

One-Two Power Punch

I want to show you a remarkable compound that nature, in its wisdom, has provided a dual role for.

1) It's what you use to tell your muscles to move.

When you have the thought that you would like to hit that golf ball, it starts as an electrical impulse. Then it's translated into the muscle, and there's a chemical messenger that makes that happen.

2) It's also responsible for your alertness and memory.

So we find that when people have more of it, they're smarter, more alert, and have better recall… but they also perform better.

Athletes who have more of it are faster, stronger and more competitive.

This compound is related to how caffeine works. And that's why coffee has been found to both increase physical performance and boost mental performance, because it releases this chemical messenger, called acetylcholine.

It's also the downside of coffee. Because you're releasing your stored acetylcholine, you're depleting it. That's why coffee makes you feel run down, blasé, weak and tired.

But you can give yourself a nutrient that's a building block for making more acetylcholine so you can have muscle energy and greater alertness.

I'm talking about choline.

The best way to get more choline is to eat meat and eggs.

And when you have more choline, you can:

  • Keep moving, stay active and stay balanced
  • Have better reaction time
  • Have more strength and stamina
  • Have energy for the entire day
  • Stay clear and focused
  • Make faster, more accurate decisions
  • Sleep deeply without tossing and turning

It's Simple, But Essential

You can accomplish an amazing number of things when you get enough choline. And yet it's the simplest little molecule. It's nitrogen in the middle surrounded by four compounds…


...and that's it.

To the right is a graphic of what choline looks like:

That's all there is to it.

It would take up a whole page to show you what vitamin B12 looks like.

Because choline is so simple, it's also unique.

For one thing, it's part vitamin, and part nutrient.

The definition of a vitamin is that you can't make it in your body. Choline is considered a kind of B vitamin (sometimes referred to as vitamin B4), even though you can make a little bit of it.

But because you can't make enough, and you have to get the rest of what you need through food, choline is classified as an essential nutrient.

There's a little bit of a dispute as to when it was discovered – in 1862 or 1864 – but what we do know is that you can't live without choline. You wouldn't be able to walk or think… you wouldn't even be able to hold your cells together.

But besides what choline does all by itself, one of the best things about choline is how well it works with other substances to make even more nutrients.

More Energy For Everybody

I'm sure you've heard how damaging "free radicals" are. Those are the unstable chemical "burglars" that steal from other molecules. Then the burglarized molecules turn into free radicals too, doing even more damage.

Choline is the opposite. It's more like Santa Claus. Choline visits every tissue in your body, handing out parts of itself called "methyl groups" like presents to other molecules.

This is part of its uniqueness. Choline is the only nutrient that has three methyl groups to give away.

Almost every important process in your body uses this "give and take" of methyl groups.

It's how you turn genes on so you can be virile, confident and happy. It's how your cells talk to each other so you can move when you want to.

It's how you make the brain chemical acetylcholine that gives you your creativity and mental power. And it helps you make antioxidants to fight off the effects of the toxins you're exposed to in our modern world.

Part of the way choline works is that it's in the membrane of every cell in your body. Your cells use choline to stay flexible enough to allow in both water and fat-soluble antioxidant vitamins from your food and supplements.

And then, choline also allows the waste to get out. Without choline, your cells would literally get "clogged" and your energy levels would drop like a stone. That's one of the reasons why, when your stores of choline get low, you feel tired and sluggish.

Let It Go To Your Head

Your brain especially can get tired and sluggish without lots of choline. One reason is that the brain has a LOT of cells that need choline to build their membranes.

Another is that choline is the major building block for acetylcholine. That's a brain chemical that lets those cells fire signals to each other when you want to move, or when you learn things.

But unlike caffeine which depletes your reserves of acetylcholine and burns you out, choline helps you build them up.

That's because your body does a simple conversion, and combines a substance called DMAE – an amino acid naturally produced by your brain – with choline to make acetylcholine.

This is what allows you to think clearly and creatively, stay strong and energized, and have that "spring in your step."

You need choline for all the basics like thought, memory and sleep. It even controls how you move. Your muscles receive commands from your brain via acetylcholine. That means your sense of balance and stability is controlled by this key transmitter.

Fortunately, there are lots of good ways to get choline in the food you eat.

Step 1 – The best way to get more choline is to eat one of the "taboo" foods modern nutritionists tell you to stay away from – animal meat and eggs.

When people used to eat steak and eggs for breakfast they ate less and had more energy. Now you are told to eat "healthy grains"… and people are slumping in their office chairs in the afternoon, tired, weak and listless.

You can change that by eating more of the things your brain needs – animal products like eggs and red meat, which are full of healthy fats and choline. Animal liver is the best source of choline. Two ounces of beef liver have 174 mg of choline. One large egg (also about 2 ounces) has 141 mg.

Step 2 – You'll also find choline in other foods like cauliflower (two ounces have 25 mg), chickpeas, lentils and sesame seeds. It's also in some leafy green vegetables like cabbage, but in very small amounts.

Step 3 – You can supplement, but be careful, because there are quite a few choline products out there, so it's important to differentiate them.

  • You'll find "health" experts promoting lecithin (phosphatidylcholine or PC-lecithin) because it has choline in it. But lecithin comes from soy, which has an estrogen-like effect on your body. Lecithin can also cause diarrhea and stomach discomfort in the high doses you would need. I don't recommend anything that comes from soy, so avoid lecithin.

  • Choline chloride and choline bitartrate are what farmers usually put in their animal feed because these kinds of choline don't have the side effects on the stomach that soy choline has. But, there's not much active choline in them, so they're not the greatest kinds of choline for humans to take.

  • Choline citrate is choline combined in a base of natural extracts from citrus fruits, and has the most active choline. In my view, it's the best way to get high levels of choline, and there are no side effects – except a clean rush of energy for your brain.

You need at least 425 mg of choline a day as a woman; 550 mg if you're a man, or a woman who's nursing or pregnant.

Careful: Fake Protein Can Make You Weak

7 Points to Better Protein Performance

Protein powders you find in your local health-food stores lack critical nutrients that give protein its real power.

These overly-processed and misleading products give you cheap, weakened forms of protein that come from sick, diseased animals. And some protein powders even have dangerous levels of lead, cadmium and other heavy metals.

Not only are they a waste of money, but if you eat them, they will only make you weaker and more vulnerable to disease.

To stay slim, strong and potent, you need a reliable source of protein that hasn't been processed, contaminated or altered.

Today, I'll show you the 7 factors you need in your protein powder to unlock its natural power.

The kind of protein powder that lets you:

  • Hit and maintain your ideal size
  • Melt pound after pound of excess weight
  • Boost your immune strength and get sick less often
  • Build lean muscle and functional strength you can use
  • Fight free radicals and stay younger, longer
  • Power up your performance

I'll also show you how to use protein powder so you see these results fast.

Protein is Your Body's Most Prized Power Source

Protein is the only truly essential macronutrient. You also need two essential fatty acids, but once you get a minimum of them, you can make all the fat your body needs.

Carbohydrates, the third macronutrient, are completely unessential to your health. In other words, your body can make whatever carbs it needs on its own. But you simply cannot survive without eating protein.

Proteins are the building blocks of life. Quality protein is your single most important nutritional concern. It's composed of 20 amino acids, eight of which you can't make and must consume. To be optimally healthy, you must consume all eight of these essential amino acids every day.

Protein is an important component of every cell in your body. Hair and nails are mostly made of protein. Your body uses protein to build and repair tissues. You also use protein to make enzymes, hormones and other body chemicals. Protein is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood.

But unlike fat and carbohydrates, the body does not store protein, and therefore has no reserve to draw on when it needs a new supply.

Throw Your Body's Fat-Melting Switch

Getting a steady supply of protein actually programs your body to melt fat. It throws a "metabolic switch" that tells your body it's okay to melt fat.

Here's why: Your body is not a machine. It's a living, sentient being that makes decisions based on the challenges it faces every day.

Your body's number-one priority is survival. And protein is your body's most prized power source. Under normal circumstances, your body keeps fat on reserve for one reason: to prevent starvation.

But when your body has more protein than it needs, its survival is not threatened. It then feels "safe" enough to start burning off its fat stores.

Over-consuming protein is one of the easiest, most reliable ways of melting fat. In addition, you'll guarantee your body has the building blocks it needs for optimum health.

Here's an easy rule-of-thumb for knowing how much protein you need every day:

Consume one gram of protein for every pound of lean body mass.

If you weigh 200 pounds and have 20 percent body fat, that means you're carrying 40 pounds of fat, with 160 pounds of lean body mass. In this example, you would eat 160 grams of protein each day.

If you don't know how to measure your body fat, there are scales you can buy that calculate your body fat for you. There are also hand-held devices that are reliable. You can find these on the Internet.

If you don't have any way to measure your body fat, then use this guideline: For men, the average is between 15-17 percent. For women, the average is between 18-22 percent. Obviously, the heavier you are, the higher the percentage.

Consuming one gram of protein for every pound of lean body mass is more than your government recommends. But that's the point. If you're only getting 30 to 60 grams of protein a day, you'll survive, but your body will hold on to its fat for dear life.

Over-consume protein and your body responds by dumping fat.

What Are You Really Eating?

But even if you follow a low-carb, no-grain diet, the meat you buy from the grocery store has been fed grain. The meat industry selects grains because they are very cheap and very fattening.

Corn and other grains are high on the glycemic index. That means they break down into sugar very quickly, causing a sharp spike of insulin. Remember it's insulin that regulates fat gain. A grain-heavy diet makes the animals enormously fat and very sick.

Then we eat those unnaturally raised and diseased animals. If the cow is diseased, how can we expect to stay healthy by eating it?

Now let me clarify my point. The commercially-raised meat you are eating may be giving you health problems. It has the wrong kind of fat that's unhealthy for your heart. But, contrary to what you hear, this is not because it's red meat. In fact, I regard some beef as among the healthiest of all foods.

There is a difference between grain-fed and grass-fed cattle. To understand the difference, you must understand commercial meat production.

Commercial Cattle's Unnatural Diet

Cattle, in one form or another have been on this planet for millions of years. They have successfully survived by grazing on grasslands, prairies, and hillsides. Cattle's natural diet consists of grasses and legumes. Their anatomy and physiology reflect their diet.

Most commercial cattle no longer eat their natural diet. Growers feed them cheap grain and other "feedstuff" in order to fatten them up quickly. The feedstuffs include hormones to make livestock larger. Ranchers even give the animals antibiotics to keep them alive in deplorable living conditions.

Unlike grass-fed cattle, commercial cattle consume grains and a whole host of contaminants in their feed, including pesticides, cement dust, candy, animal manure, cardboard, nut shells, feathers and meat scraps.1

The old saying "you are what you eat" comes to mind. As a result, commercial beef has drastically less nutritional value than their pasture-fed relatives. A study in the Journal of Animal Science found that the more grass cattle ate, the more nutritious their beef became.2

Grass-fed products have three to five times more conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) than that of commercial animals.3 CLA is an important nutrient that has cancer-preventing properties. Grass-fed beef also has four times more vitamin E.4

You probably already know how important omega-3 fatty acids are to your health. But even more important is the ratio of omega-6 fatty acids to omega-3 fatty acids. Too much omega-6 fatty acids have been linked to heart disease, cancer and other health problems. For example, according to a study by Midwest Land Grant University, grain-fed beef had 20 times the Omega-6 fatty acids to Omega-3s as grass-fed beef.

Choose a Protein Powder That Comes From
Healthy, Grass-Fed Animals

In our modern world, when you eat the meat from an animal, you have to concern yourself with the environment that animal came from. It makes a great deal of difference.

The same holds true for protein powders.

If the meat from grain-fed cattle is dangerous, so is the protein. And that's important to remember. When you're buying a bottle of protein powder, you don't always think about where the protein came from.

Avoiding the meat that comes from sick and diseased animals also applies to protein.

The best protein supplement comes from whey protein. Whey is actually a by-product of the cheese production and contains a wealth of the amino acids and other vital nutrients we need from protein.

The 7 Factors Your Protein Powder MUST Have
To Unlock Its Slimming, Energizing and Anti-Aging Power

1. Choose Grass-Fed: First, a grass-fed source of pure whey protein is essential when you're choosing a protein powder. If it's not grass-fed, chances are you're consuming protein that's coming from pesticide-treated, grain-fed animals. And that's bad news, especially when you consider that grain-fed whey is missing many of the amino acids and enzymes found in grass-fed whey. Grain-fed whey is also much lower in healthy omega-3 fats.

2. Hormone-Free Cows: Grain-fed cattle are almost always injected with antibiotics, estrogens and growth hormones to quickly fatten the cows and fight the infections and diseases that come from being confined on feed lots.

3. Low-Temperature Processed: Most commercial protein powders are heat processed at very high temperatures, which destroy many of the enzymes and other heat-sensitive nutrients that give whey protein its power.

4. Acid-Free Processing: To save money, many manufacturers process whey with a technique called "acid/ion exchange." Using acid and other harsh chemicals to separate the whey from the fats, it damages the amino acids that give whey protein its power.

5. Whey Protein Concentrate: When you're browsing the aisles of your local vitamin store you may see towers of protein powder bottles boasting "whey protein isolate" as being better absorbed. Truth is, isolates aren't natural and are not easily metabolized. What's more, isolates are acid-processed and missing key amino acids.

6. Sweetened Naturally: Avoid artificial sweeteners, especially the ones that contain aspartame, sugar alcohol or high fructose corn syrup. A good protein powder should be low-glycemic, meaning it should not raise your blood sugar.

7. Free from Toxic Heavy Metals: Many protein powders contain high levels of toxic and cancer-causing heavy metals like mercury, lead, cadmium and arsenic. This was confirmed by a recent study published in Consumer Reports.5

Get More Muscle and More Energy With
These 2 Strength-Building Secrets

To get the biggest boost of energy, the leanest body and the strongest muscles, take your protein powder first thing in the morning and right after you exercise. Studies show that giving your body a good source of protein right after exercise helps build muscle and melt fat. Professional athletes do this routinely and you should, too.

Grass-fed protein powders are not as easy to find as other commercial brands, and they tend to be more expensive. But the difference makes it worth the search and the extra money.

A quality, grass-fed protein powder can help you take off pounds of unwanted fat in record time. In fact, you'll feel the slimming effect right away. You'll also notice firmer, stronger muscles, more energy and better performance in the bedroom. You may even find that you don't have to sleep as much and that you get sick less often.

Here's how you can get a top-grade whey protein powder made from only grass-fed animals.


[1] Robinson, J., Why Grassfed is Best, Vashon Island Press, WA, 2000, pg. 10
[2] French, P., et al, "Fatty acid composition, including conjugated linoleic acid, of intramuscular fat from steers offered grazed grass, grass silage, or concentrate-based diets," J. Anim. Sci. 2000;78:2849-2855
[3] Dhiman, T., et al, "Conjugated linoleic acid from cows fed different diets," J. Dairy Sci. 1999; 82(10): 2146-2156
[4] Smith, G., "Dietary supplementation of vitamin E to cattle to improve shelf life and case life of beef for domestic and international markets," Colorado State University
[5] "What's in your protein drink?" Consumer Reports July 2010

A New Look at What Men Really Need

I'm not going to feel apologetic for being a man in our modern politically correct culture. Just because I'm a man doesn't mean I've caused all the world wars, and testosterone is not the cause of every evil.

You're even made to feel responsible for the criminal that rapes someone because they tell you he did it because of testosterone – that it's a man issue, not a criminal issue.

But don't let those PC bureaucrats talk you out of being a man.

Don't let them convince you that there's something wrong with having testosterone pumping through your veins.

You need testosterone to be healthy. It's more than just about your strength and performance.

You already know that testosterone helps keep your bones strong, gives you lean body mass – that male "V" shape – increases your energy, improves athletic performance, gives you your ability to attract women and to stay in control.

But it does even more than that. It's not just what makes a man a man. Without it, not only are you not as manly, but you die early.

Recently six different studies, done in different parts of the world on different groups of men, all found the same thing:

The more testosterone you have, the less chance there is you will die of any cause.

  • In a study completed a few months ago, researchers followed almost a thousand men with heart disease for seven years. They found that those with low testosterone were more than twice as likely to die as men with higher testosterone levels.1

  • A 2009 study looked at men with diabetes for more than three years, and found that those with the lowest testosterone levels were also more than twice as likely to die… not from diabetes, but for any reason.2

  • Another study done in Europe followed 11,606 men for nearly 10 years. They found that low testosterone meant there was a 41 percent greater chance of dying from any cause.3

  • The University of California looked at 794 men over an average of 12 years. They found the men with low testosterone were 40 percent more likely to die than those with higher levels.4

  • A study of older men in Seattle and published by the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society found that those with low testosterone were 28 times likelier to die.5

  • And in a study on military veterans, researchers looked at 300 men over five years. Low testosterone upped the risk of death by 88 percent.6

It doesn't matter how old you are, your body fat, cholesterol, blood pressure, or what your blood sugar measurements are… none of those changed the results. In all the studies, testosterone was the biggest indicator of longer lifespan. Take a look at the chart below. For men with the lowest levels of testosterone, the survival rate drops off the table.

Today I'm going to show you how to give you what you really need to survive and stay a man by bringing your testosterone to where it should be.

But first, let me tell you how today's world is attacking you, and trying to take away your manhood...

Warning: Modern Food Will Make You 'Doughy"

Your ancient male ancestors were strong and proud. They were hunters, fisherman, builders and warriors.

Back then, you would have hunted and fought the way you were designed to. Your body would be lean and powerful, with the capacity to handle the sudden onset of acute stress.

And you would keep your body strong and active by eating the foods you were designed to eat. That means a high-protein, low-carb diet of red meat, wild fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables and nuts.

This would also keep your hormones balanced so you would be energized and virile.

These male attributes – speed, power and virility – are all evolutionarily-designed responses to make you more survivable as a man. And nature gives you these traits through the male hormone testosterone.

But the physiology you have today came from a different world. In just the last few decades, the world has changed so fast that our evolutionary responses haven't been able to keep up. Now the world we live in and our physiological reactions are mismatched.

One of the things that's happened is that we've gotten away from a protein-based diet that boosts testosterone.

On top of that, instead of protein, you're fed processed grains and fake foods like soy and flax that your body isn't designed to eat.

And the packages this new food comes in, along with dozens of other products like shampoos and lotions, are loaded with chemicals that leak out into your body. Even your car that you sit in for hours every day has them.

These chemicals, and foods like soy, all have ingredients with one thing in common... they resemble estrogen.

Researchers have been slow to come around to the idea that these "estrogen-mimics" are having an effect on us humans. But I can tell you from 20 years of medical experience, excess amounts of estrogen in our environment are causing disastrous changes for both men and women. I see it in my patients almost every day.

In men, it causes the onset of feminine features. Once muscular "pecs" (chest muscles) turn into soft breasts. A "spare tire" forms around your middle and your risk of prostate cancer goes through the roof.

It affects your energy, too, making you feel slow and tired.

That's because excess estrogen can lower a man's reserve of testosterone – the hormone that makes a man feel like a man. It also causes an extra layer of fat under your skin. This subcutaneous fat hides muscle definition and makes your body appear "doughy."

Politically correct medicine has named this testosterone imbalance "Andropause," which literally means the end of being a man. Without enough testosterone, you can't build muscle mass, create red blood cells, strengthen your bones or function sexually.

Don't Let It Drop Off The Table

In addition to estrogen mimics suppressing testosterone, your natural testosterone level drops all by itself by 1-3 percent every year after the age of 20. By the time you're 80, you'll have lost between 50-80 percent of your testosterone.

Source: New Age Health Solutions For Men (

The sad thing is, most people who have their testosterone measured by a doctor are told they're "in the normal range." Modern labs claim that's anywhere from 241-827 ng/dl.

The problem is, the reference levels are too low. These ranges aren't set for men interested in having a virile, energetic quality of life. Those levels are set by looking at the middle 95 percent of the population who are all deficient as it is!

And according to one study, a majority of men have circulating testosterone levels 5–20 percent farther below those already-too-low reference levels.7

A testosterone level of 241 is not normal. I like to keep my male patients up near 800.

Let me show you how I do it.

Set Your Testosterone Free

Ninety-eight percent of your testosterone is bound to a protein called SHGB. That means only 2 percent of your testosterone is free to circulate around your body.

This free testosterone then joins with cells called androgen receptors and improves your desire, function, bone density, muscle mass and strength, adipose (fat) tissue distribution, mood, energy and psychological well-being.

But the estrogen-mimics in the environment cause you to increase the production of SHBG. This binds up some of that small amount of free testosterone and makes it inactive and unable to bind with the androgen receptors that are supposed to receive it.

And lower amounts of free testosterone can lead to:

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Lack of motivation or desire
  • Poor memory and concentration
  • Depression
  • Increase in fat
  • Loss of desire

The good news is, you're not helpless against the modern world. You can avoid Andropause and keep your "manpower" if you focus on a few ways to increase your free testosterone.

Here are the 9 steps I use to naturally boost my patients' "vitamin T":

Step 1) Eat Red Meat. Politically correct culture tells you red meat is bad, don't eat it, it will kill you. It's more likely that not eating it will kill you due to low testosterone. A study of vegans vs. omnivores measured each group's testosterone and SHBG. The vegans had 23 percent higher SHBG, and 3 percent lower free testosterone.8 Red meat has saturated fat, which has a known correlation with higher testosterone, and zinc, which helps you produce testosterone.

The other advantage of eating red meat is B vitamins. Besides helping your body to make testosterone, B-complex vitamins help you absorb zinc. B vitamins are water soluble, which means you'll find them in the meat of animal protein, instead of the fatty part. Some B vitamins are found in fruits and vegetables, but your best source is red meat. And for B12, red meat is your ONLY source. I recommend at least 40 mg of vitamins B1, B2, B3 and B6. You need 800 mcg of folic acid, and 100 mcg of B12.

Step 2) Eat Some Garlic. In animal studies, garlic increased both testosterone levels, and increased hormonal production of testosterone. Garlic's secret ingredient for boosting testosterone is called allicin. It breaks down quickly, so it's tough to get a good amount from a supplement.

My favorite way to get garlic is to brew a bedtime elixir of four mashed garlic cloves steeped in eight ounces of hot water and flavored with the juice of a lemon.9 To ward off garlic's tendency to make your breath smell "garlicky," eat some neutralizing fennel seeds, like those served at Indian restaurants.

Step 3) Get More Zinc. This trace element is one of the most important nutrients for men. Not only does it ensure optimum prostate health, it also helps you stay virile and active well into your advanced years. That's because zinc play a role in the production of testosterone. Also, a large amount of zinc is concentrated in a pituitary gland in your brain and the pituitary gland plays a major role in your libido.

In a well-known study published in the journal The Lancet, researchers divided men into two groups. Half got a placebo, half got zinc. The researchers wrote: "Zinc strikingly improved potency in all patients and raised the testosterone to normal… Placebo did not improve sexual function in any patient."10

My favorite way to get my zinc is by eating animal meats like pork, beef, liver and lamb. Oysters, watermelon and pumpkin seeds have a lot of zinc, too. I recommend you get 30 mg per day.

Step 4) Use The Herb Nettle. Nettle is well known for blocking the enzyme aromatase which your body uses to synthesize estrogen.

But to me, the exciting thing about nettle is that it has its own compound (with the tongue-twisting name 3,4-divanillyltetrahydrofuran) that can bind with SHBG. That means more of your free testosterone can flow through your blood, doing its good work.11 A dose of 140 mg per day of nettle will give you the effect you need.

Step 5) Take tribulus terrestris and fenugreek, which have steroidal saponins. These increase testosterone. In a study on primates, researchers gave the animals tribulus and increased their testosterone by 51 percent!12 You can take up to 500 mg of each.

Step 6) Get some muira puama. It's an herb extracted from a plant from South America that's almost unknown to Americans. But in the Amazon jungle it's used to boost libido. And several studies have shown it counters the effects of low testosterone. "Asthenia" is characterized by fatigue, loss of strength, or debility, all symptoms of a testosterone deficiency. In a study on asthenia, muira puama was effective for 100 percent of those taking it.13 I give my patients 350 mg per day.

Step 7) Break Down Excess Estrogen. Diindolylmethane (DIM) is what's called an indole. Those are the plant nutrients you get from eating cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and mustard greens. DIM is an indole that helps your body break down estrogen, improving your testosterone/estrogen ratio. And when you improve this ratio, you get the feeling of a testosterone boost. If you want to supplement, 100 mg a day is my recommendation.

Step 8) Help Your Body Regulate Testosterone. Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) is an amino acid that helps your brain and nervous system regulate your hormone levels, including testosterone. Almonds, bananas, walnuts, citrus fruit, spinach and broccoli are all GABA-friendly foods. If you would like to supplement, you don't need much... 10 mg per day.

Step 9) Exercise With Intensity. You might be surprised to know that exercise boosts testosterone, no matter what your age. In a study completed a few months ago, researchers looked at both younger and older men who did 21 weeks of heavy resistance training. They measured significant increases in lean body mass and testosterone levels.14

Try doing resistance training three to four days a week. All it takes is 10-20 minutes of your time, and it can be applied to my PACE program. Good old-fashioned exercises like the ones you used to do back in gym class are the best kind. Try mixing it up with different exercise – lunges, squats, squat thrusts, pull-ups, push-ups, dips, and crunches.


[1] Malkin, Chris J., Pugh, Peter J., Morris, Paul D., et al, "Low serum testosterone and increased mortality in men with coronary heart disease," Heart 2010;96:1821-1825
[2] Carrero, Juan Jesús, et al, "Low Serum Testosterone Increases Mortality Risk among Male Dialysis Patients," JASN March 2009; 20(3): 613-620
[3] Khaw, Kay-Tee, MBBChir, FRCP et al, "Endogenous Testosterone and Mortality Due to All Causes, Cardiovascular Disease, and Cancer in Men," Circulation 2007;116:2694-2701
[4] Laughlin, Gail A., Barrett-Connor, Elizabeth, Bergstrom, Jacklyn, "Low Serum Testosterone and Mortality in Older Men," The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2008;93(1):68-75
[5] Shores, MM, Moceri, VM, Gruenewald, DA, et al, "Low testosterone is associated with decreased function and increased mortality risk," J. Am. Geriatr. Soc. Dec. 2004;52(12):2077-81
[6] Shores, Molly M., MD; Matsumoto, Alvin M., MD; Sloan, Kevin L. MD; et al, "Low Serum Testosterone and Mortality in Male Veterans," Arch. Intern. Med. 2006;166:1660-1665
[7] Gooren, Louis J., "Androgens and male aging: current evidence of safety and efficacy," Asian Journal of Andrology 2010;12:136–151
[8] Key, TJ, Roe, L, Thorogood, M, et al, "Testosterone, sex hormone-binding globulin, calculated free testosterone, and oestradiol in male vegans and omnivores," Br. J. Nutr. July 1990;64(1):111-9
[9] Jacobs, Brad, MD, MPH, Washington DC, quoted in "8 Essential Flu Fighters," Natural Health Solutions Jan. 1, 2008
[10] Antoniou, Lucy D., Sudhakar, Telechery, Shalhoub Robert, Smith, CJ, "Reversal of Uraemic... by Zinc," The Lancet October 1977; 310(8044): 895-898
[11] Schöttner, M, Gansser, D, Spiteller, G., "Interaction of lignans with human sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG)," Z Naturforsch C. Nov.-Dec. 1997;52(11-12):834-43
[12] Gauthaman, K., Ganesan, A.P., "The hormonal effects of Tribulus terrestris..." Phytomedicine Jan. 2008;15(1-2):44-54
[13] Waynberg, J. "Male Sexual Asthenia - Interest in a Traditional Plant-Derived Medication," Ethnopharmacology Mar. 1995
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